BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse

First let me say…. I tried it y’all, I tried it TWICE!

BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse 23002 Eureka Rd, Taylor, MI 48180

Scene: I’m in Florida on a modeling opportunity for my kid. My moms calling us telling us how much she misses us and wants to take us out to this fabulous place called BJ’s. She said, “the food is so good, you are going to love it!” We were literally gone for 8 days and each day we talked to her she’s going on and on about BJ’s. Now you guys don’t know my mom, I’m sure you will hear about her often on this journey of mine but if you did know her now, you would know that she is an extremely picky eater AND she’s the Queen of Pork at the same damn time! This lady absolutely loves pork right down to the gutter of canned spam LOL. Anyway, we weren't home a whole day and she decided she’s “taking us to dinner.” I definitely don’t have to choose where we go if it’s FREE. AJ Foody LOVES FREE FOOD but please, I’d also appreciate if it tastes good; PLEASE and THANK YOU!

I wish I could say this place is amazing. The customer service was actually pretty good. It has to be because that’s the only way the wait staff is going to make any money at all. If employee income was based on food quality or management standards the staff would be homeless.

On the first visit with my mom I ordered the Enlightened Cherry Chipotle Glazed Salmon. My food came out room temperature and my silverware came out dirty. As a matter of fact there were 5 of us at the dinner table and ALL the silverware was dirty. This was extremely disappointing because food gets colder by the second and mine was already lukewarm when it came out. The waitress tried twice to get us clean silverware which she failed miserably at so she decided plastic ware was the best move, I was super hungry so I decided to use the flimsy supplies.

Enlightened Cherry Chipotle Glazed Salmon

If salmon is on a menu chances are I’m going to try it, especially if it has some sort of sweet glaze on it and that’s exactly what JB’s offered. Whenever I try something new I always make sure there are ingredients in it I like to help familiarize my palate and get it accustomed to new flavors. I ordered this dish exactly the way it came. I didn’t make any substitutes. I love asparagus and spinach so I was completely turned off by how over cooked it was. I absolutely hate mushy vegetables, asparagus should have a tender crunch to it not melt in your mouth. The couscous was new to me but the texture is like tiny pasta balls. It was heavy and seemed to be over cooked as well. Imagine eating heavy mushy pasta balls and mushy asparagus with a flimsy plastic fork… The salmon fillet was actually not that bad. I probably would have enjoyed it if it wasn’t covered in a chilled glaze.

Double Bone-In Pork Chop

My mom and my daughter got this pork chop. They actually said the pork chop was “decent” but the broccoli was dry like it belonged on a salad and the mashed potatoes were cold. This plate reminded me of a display plate in a hospital cafeteria. It sits there all day to showcase what the lunch of the day is. What a disappointment!

Enlightened Cherry Chipotle Glazed Salmon x2

This is the second visit to BJ’s… I came back with my sister who was visiting from Georgia. I figured I’d give it a second shot. My sister ordered the salmon this time. She doesn’t like asparagus or tomatoes so she basically ordered it plain and it still came out looking a hot mess. Presentation is everything when it comes to dining even if the establishment is not considered five star. They brought out this raggedy burnt salmon fillet. Notice how the edges are burnt crispy so imagine what the bottom tastes like. The spinach is all caked together instead of being mixed throughout the couscous. This plate does not look appealing at all. Needless to say, if you go to a restaurant not once but twice and both times the the experience is less than that of your favorite food truck, just give up, that place is not for you!

Let’s recap: BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse… Cold food, overcooked food, burnt food, dirty silverware, irritation, thumbs down.

Message to the establishment: Dear BJ’s, I can see how your atmosphere could draw in patrons. This could very well be someone’s favorite hangout spot. That is why you owe it to your customers to give them an experience they can rave about to their friends. In an age where people take pictures of their food before they eat it and social media is the driving force of influence, temperature, taste, texture, and presentation means a lot. PLEASE DO BETTER!


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