Chef Greg’s Soul “N” THE WALL

It hasn’t been that long since I moved out of Detroit. City life was becoming too much for me but who knew that almost as soon as I got out something yummy would come to my attention to draw me back in!

Let me roll my sleeves up for this one y’all and let me be clear. You’re not going to find too many places in rural areas that will satisfy your urban palate so please beware of that before you give up your city life only to find that you still have to drive 45 minutes away to get the “Foody Fix” you need.

It’s a Friday night and I’m laying around thinking about what I always think about, FOOD… The husband tells me about a news segment he watched about this guy named Chef Greg and how there’s a sandwich Chef Greg makes that’s kinda like a Sloppy Joe. He said he use to get it at some other place when he was in high school but the place went out of business and the only other person who could make this sandwich is, you guessed it, CHEF GREG! Ok, well at that point we decided to take a trip to the city to find out if this sandwich was anything like the one he had when he was a kid and I of course wanted to know if the hype was true.

Boogaloo Wonderland

Let me tell y’all, not only is the hype true but this ain’t your childhood Sloppy Joe I promise you! This sandwich is called Boogaloo Wonderland and the name is very fitting because as soon as I took the first bite I wanted to dance. OMG, have you ever tasted food so good a rhythm started to play in your head and you had to just rock to the beat? That’s what this Boogaloo Wonderland did to me.

Fist off, when I stepped up to the quaint little store front, my attention was immediately grabbed because of the eye catching art work and stepping inside definitely helped me see how this spot got it’s name. There was “soul” all over the joint. When I walked in the first person I met was Chef Greg’s son LOL he was looking at me trying to figure out what the heck I was doing there. I walked in taking pictures of course. I had a gut feeling I wasn’t going to be disappointed so I got right down to work. I told the husband “if this food is good I’m definitely going to write about it so I might as well get my pictures now”. I’m sorry Greg Jr. I already knew my food was gonna be bussin so, I wasn’t about to waist no time letting my food get cold to take photos LOL. Thanks for not kicking me out!

Store Front

Chef Greg’s Wall of Fame

This is not a sit down restaurant (although there might be whispers of expansion, I’ll let y’all know) so after ordering my food the only thing left to do was meet the magic maker himself. Now keep in mind I’m writing this AFTER I’ve actually eaten the food so when I say “magic maker” I mean this shit was MAGIC y’all (excuse my French). Greg Jr. introduced us to his dad while we were waiting on our food and I was pleasantly surprised how down to earth he was. You would think the secret sauce maker would be a little arrogant but he welcomed me and the husband with A++ customer service and even schooled us a little on nutrition and the art in cooking sides without meat sometimes. I was able to get a look at the menu as well. It’s very extensive, and now that I’ve tried what I came for I definitely want to try EVERYTHING else. Once our food was ready we had to say goodbye to Chef Greg but trust me, we could have talked to him for hours.

AJ Foody with Chef Greg and Greg Jr.

Chef Greg & Allee Willis, co-writer of the song Boogie Wonderland by R&B supergroup Earth, Wind and Fire.

Once we got our food we went back to the car and like I told y’all before the ride back home is 45 mins so thank God I had a driver cause I was READY TO EAT!

I opened that bag and the smell came rushing out filling the car up with absolute delight. You can’t eat this sandwich with your hands y’all, you will need a fork for sure. So I’m sitting there with my food in my lap and a plastic knife and fork in my hands throwing down. This sandwich is a game changer! The sauce was the most idiosyncratic sauce to go on meat that I’ve ever tasted in my life. The Boogaloo Wonderland sandwich is for the Grown and Sexy and that’s coming from a woman who’s sitting in a car eating out of her lap. I was not feeling like a kid because this is not “sloppy joe.” I did not need a napkin I was licking my fingers. I did not have any leftovers because I AM A FOODY!

This is the part where I ask my followers to trust my palate. Visit Chef Greg’s SOUL “N” THE WALL restaurant. Definitely try the Boogaloo, then come back and let me know what you think. Try other things off their extensive menu then come back and share that as well. This spot is a Diamond in the Rough you won’t want to miss!


Wet Finger


Pakee’s Whiskey Punch